Reliable Aviation Services
in Fort Lauderdale
Conveniently located near FXE Airport in Fort Lauderdale, FL, our Fort Lauderdale facility offers comprehensive services for emergency power supplies and aircraft batteries.
Whether you require Standard or AOG services, our Fort Lauderdale team is dedicated to providing efficient solutions to keep you flying.
Our experienced technicians are committed to delivering prompt assistance to address any aviation-related challenges you may encounter.
Contact Details

1080 NW 53rd St.
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
[ Key Resources ]
Essential Certifications
and Specifications
Explore our key resources, including FAA certifications, antidrug and alcohol compliance, and operational specifications, to understand our commitment to maintaining
the highest standards at Fort Lauderdale facility.
Air Agency Certificate
FAA Air Agency Certification for UAA – FXE
Antidrug & Alcohol
Antidrug & Alcohol (Form A449, A449-1) for UAA – FXE
Operation Specifications
Operation Specifications